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Watch this video and more on System of Strength

Watch this video and more on System of Strength

Biceps Gone Rouge

CARDIO • 29m

Up Next in CARDIO

  • Cardio Inspired Strength Pt 3

    Another 30 minute Cardio Inspired Strength workout, only this time we're bringing the Plyo Box to the party! We'll move through strength rounds that will get your heart rate up for an effective, fun 30 mins. You'll need a plyo box + light weights + heavy weights.
    Original Drop Date: 2.4.2022

  • Jump On It For The Triceps

    Take this class for "Stack Week" and pair it with "Like A Punch To the Gut" for a total burners. 30 minutes of triceps and cardio for the ultimate banger. Grab something for tricep dips and lighter weights. This is a great class to pair with "Crossing Lines Core and Cardio" for double Kim and do...

  • Crossing Lines Core and Cardio

    30 minutes of cardio + core using optional light weights.
    Original Drop Date: 1.12.2022