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A 40 minute Ebb + Flo working through mobility, stretch, and flow to leave you with a well rounded class.
Original Drop Date: 4.26.2024
Up Next in EBB+FLO
Ebb+Flo Steph 12.22
A 30 minute Ebb+Flo with less grounding and centering and more down to work.
Original Drop Date: 12.15.2023 -
Ebb+Flo Darcey 12.19
A 45 minute flow focusing on shoulders, hips, and rotational work. Use this as a treat to almost a weeks worth of hard HSH work.
Original Drop Date: 12.7.2023 -
Ebb + Flo Grady 10.16
A 45 minute Ebb + Flo that Grady was very excited to bring to the DS. Press play and enjoy one of her favorite flows.
Original Drop Date: 10.27.2023