EBB+FLO™ is the Stretch & Balance. It is part of the Recovery component of The System. This class will strengthen and elongate your muscles making them more pliable. Taught with a series of vinyasas, weaved with creative strength, deep stretches and mobility work that your body not only needs, but demands.

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  • Powerful Weighted Flow

    Grab some light weights for this weighted power flow class. You will blend in strength and power with all the goodness of Ebb+Flo.
    Original Drop Date: 7.17.2024

  • Ebb+Flo Steph 7.22

    A 30 minute solid recovery flow to shake off your Holiday.
    Original Drop Date: 7.5.2024

  • Ebb+Flo Steph 4.27

    A 40 minute Ebb + Flo working through mobility, stretch, and flow to leave you with a well rounded class.
    Original Drop Date: 4.26.2024

  • Ebb+Flo Steph 12.22

    A 30 minute Ebb+Flo with less grounding and centering and more down to work.
    Original Drop Date: 12.15.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Darcey 12.19

    A 45 minute flow focusing on shoulders, hips, and rotational work. Use this as a treat to almost a weeks worth of hard HSH work.
    Original Drop Date: 12.7.2023

  • Ebb + Flo Grady 10.16

    A 45 minute Ebb + Flo that Grady was very excited to bring to the DS. Press play and enjoy one of her favorite flows.
    Original Drop Date: 10.27.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 8.7

    A quick Ebb+Flo to touch your entire body and leave you feeling reenergized and restored.
    Original Drop Date: 8.4.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 5.15

    A “spring cleaning” flow for those days your movement practice feels a little stale. We’ll dust off the cobwebs and create space in all sides of the body — leaving you feeling energized and rejuvenated.
    Original Drop Date: 5.12.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 4.18

    A true full body practice — getting into the ankles, wrists, and everything in between! We’ll build the heat with some dynamic movement and yoga burpees and cool things back down with longer holds for the hips.
    Original Drop Date: 4.27.2023

  • Stretch and Strength

    A 30 minute restore focusing on strengthening and stretching of the side body. You will start with grounding breathwork, before moving into flows. mobility, and strength. Class will end with restorative breathwork to send you off.
    Original Drop Date: 3.21.2023

  • In A Pinch

    A 45 minute restorative class for March Madness.
    Original Drop Date: 3.14.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Steph 2.20

    A 30 minute Ebb+Flo class starting with a quick grounding and centering before moving into a flow and coming all the way back down. Perfect for those in a time crunch or who are new to Ebb.
    Original Drop Date: 2.24.2023

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 2.11

    Let your breath be the guide as we move together in this well rounded, full body practice. An intentional warm up leads you into flow, folds, twists and balance.
    Original Drop Date: 2/3/2023

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 12.14

    Front, Back, Side to Side. A cohesive vinyasa experience that will evenly create space and build heat in the front body, back body and side body.
    Original Drop Date: 1.13.2023

  • Holiday Remix

    Grab one HEAVY weight for this core ebb/core strength remix. You’ll see reps, timed rounds, and we’ll flow in between.
    Original Drop Date: 12.29.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Darcey 1.23

    A 45 minute Ebb+Flo using nothing but you. You will move all around your mat and tap into the hips, hamstrings, and side body. Plenty of good mobility work along the way.
    Original Drop Date: 12.21.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 1.18

    Join in for a full length flow to leave you feeling juicy and bendy.
    Original Drop Date: 12.7.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Darcey 11.10

    A 45 minute delicious Ebb+Flo that will leave you feel balanced and strengthened.
    Original Drop Date: 11.25.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Steph 11.2

    Slow things down a bit with the strength Queen for a 45 minute flow.
    Original Drop Date: 11.2.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 9.9

    X Marks the Spot.
    In this class you’ll move along the diagonal — rather than just front to back and side to side. Incorporating contralateral movement to light up the front core and side body, mobility work as well as static stretches for the hips and hamstrings.
    Original Drop Date: 9.13.2022

  • Ebb+Flo + Restore and Recover

    A 60 minute combo class blending the worlds of Ebb+Flo and Restore and Recover. You will start with the Ebb and end with the RR. Grab a foam roller, lacrosse ball, long band, and yoga blocks.
    Original Drop Date: 8.25.2022

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 7.17

    This class will take you through the same sequence two times on each side. The first time is intended to build strength and awareness (longer holds, multiple options/levels in each pose, opportunity for self-assessment) while the second round is intended to feel much like a dance on your mat (out...

  • Ebb+Flo Grady 7.4

    A full-length, full body class with a mix of strength, stretch and mobility work as you ebb and flow between effort and ease. We’ll get into the hips (inner and outer) and the core by way of the obliques/side body — sprinkling in some hamstring and shoulder work along the way.
    Original Drop Date:...

  • Control Flow

    If you are a Control junkie and want to fit yoga into your routine, this class is for you! You will need medium/heavy weights to work through some basic (and challenging) Control moves while we flow in between. We start with a warm up to gain mobility, go through a control-heavy center and take i...