Grab some light weights for this weighted power flow class. You will blend in strength and power with all the goodness of Ebb+Flo.
Original Drop Date: 7.17.2024
Up Next in FULL BODY
From Heavy To Light
A dynamic strength and weighted cardio combo to pack a big punch. Grab 1 set of heavy weights for the dynamic movements and 1 light set for cardio. Pair this with "Send Help " or a cardio challenge "Old School Cardio" for a longer challenge.
Original Drop Date: 6.14.2024 -
Stand Up For Strength
A 50 min (5 min warmup, 45 min of work) that we can call a "mash up" but really just an amazing strength workout. You will need heavy weights, lighter weights, and a loop band. Lower body and triceps are the focus.
Original Drop Date: 1.19.2024 -
Body Banger
A full body burner with nothing longer than 40 seconds and 10 reps. Grab a variety of weights so you can choose heavy weights.
Original Drop Date: 8.31.2023