30 minutes of lower body recovery and mobility. Grab a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, and a band or strap. This is a feel good recovery that you should incorporate into your fitness routine.
Original Drop Date: 2.13.2025
Shortie Makes It Sweet
A 30 minute lower body strength and cardio challenge. Grab a plyo box and set of heavy weights for the strength. Short and sweet timed rounds at 25 seconds only and 10 reps.
Original Drop Date: 2.10.2025 -
Bandz Will Make Her Dance
A quickie banded lower body workout with timed rounds. You will start standing and move to the ground.
Original Drop Date: 2.4.2025 -
Get Yourself Hustlin'
A 30 minute bicep, lower body, and dynamic strength challenge. Grab a variety of weights. Nothing longer than 25 seconds so DO NOT mess around with the weights. Go heavy; you won't regret it.
Original Drop Date: 1.29.2025