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Watch this video and more on System of Strength

Watch this video and more on System of Strength

Shimmie, Shimmie, Shake



  • Cardio Inspired Strength Pt 3

    Another 30 minute Cardio Inspired Strength workout, only this time we're bringing the Plyo Box to the party! We'll move through strength rounds that will get your heart rate up for an effective, fun 30 mins. You'll need a plyo box + light weights + heavy weights.
    Original Drop Date: 2.4.2022

  • Glute MEDicine Pt. 2

    30 minutes focused on the glute med using a loop band. Use this as a workout or as part of your weekly routine to strengthen an often "forgotten" about muscle. There will be shaking, maybe tears, but you are right where you should be.
    Original Drop Date: 2.1.2022

  • Post Travel Flow

    Short and sweet post-flight/road trip tune up. This can also be used as a general warm up or something to move through on the days you wake up feeling a little stiff!
    Original Drop Date: 1.28.2022