In this full body class we’ll move through ways that blocks can make your practice feel more supported as well as ways that they can make your practice feel more challenging!
Mixing things up in this flow with some unique movement to turn off your auto-pilot.
Original Drop Date: 11.11.2021
Up Next in EBB+FLO
Ebb+Flo Grady 11.36
A 45 minute WEIGHTED flow. We will use weights on and off throughout all of practice. This can be completed without weights if you need something more restorative.
Original Drop Date: 10.28.2021 -
Ebb+Flo Darcey 8.41
This is a 45 minute recovery flow targeting your IT Bands, Hamstrings, and Hips. You do not need any equipment.
Original Live Date: 8.31.2020 -
Ebb+Flo Grady 9.35
A 45 minute Ebb+Flo class using nothin but you. Big focus on the hips, quads, hamstrings and one leg postures to work on balance and stability. Featuring some funky transitions to keep your mind fully present in this class.
Original Drop Date: 9.15.2021