No legs in todays class as you target back, triceps, shoulders, and core. The goal in class is little dynamic and all upper body strength.
Original Drop Date: 6.10.2024
Around The World Core
Around the world core. You will use light weights to work the core in different positions; lying, reverse tabletop, plank, side plank and crab.
Original Drop Date: 6.6.2024 -
It Will Get You
A chest and back challenge using light weights. The lighter weights will still get the job done with a little secondary obliques.
Original Drop Date: 5.30.2024 -
Glidin' and Slidin'
The gliders will remain under the feet but switch positions from standing, planking, to bridge. This will target your full body. This workout is great on the go and can be used with just your body weight or dumbbells. Optional hand towels in place of gliders.
Original Drop Date: 5.24.2024