This combo class will incorporate lower body moves from both HT and Control and chest from Control. The lower body accessory work for the glutes is a banger and moves that EVERYONE should be including in their fitness routine. Grab heavy weights (deadlifts) and a loop band.
Original Drop Date: 6.16.2023
Boom Boom Clap
30 minutes of arms starting with dynamic strength which will eventually become isolated arms.
Original Drop Date: 6.8.2023 -
Upper Mobility
A 25 min shoulder, chest, and thoracic spine mobility challenge. This stretch out is for all humans; moms, avid texters, desk sitters, SOS junkies and everyone in between.
Original Drop Date: -
Swish Baby
This 30 minute challenge is full of dynamic upper body strength on the shoulders, biceps, triceps and core! You will need all of your weights - light (kickbacks) to heavy (push press). PS: if you’re craving a full hour of upper body dynamic strength, pair with “dynamic dancing”)
Original Drop Da...