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Watch this video and more on System of Strength

Watch this video and more on System of Strength

My Arms May Fall Off (Shoulders +Biceps)



  • Back With The Boss

    You will use light weights or no equipment to one your back. This is a great compliment to the heavy lifting you may do in the other classes for your back. It is shocking how challenging laying on the mat can be.

  • Hit Me With Your Best Shot

    Arm Cardio. You will be breathing heavy from the cardio and shaking from the arm work. We don't waste anytime getting to work. Darcey demonstrates with light weights but if you don't have them you could complete without.

  • Double Trouble Cardio Arms

    This is the cardio arm challenge you have been waiting for. You will start with 30 sec rounds blending together cardio, core, and arms and come back around to combine them together.