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30 minutes of a holiday vinaysa flow, linking 1 breath to 1 movement.
Original Live Date: 12.24.2020
Up Next in EBB+FLO
Ebb+Flo Grady 12.37
A 45 minute power flow linkning 1 breath to 1 movement.
Original Live Date: 12.12.2020 -
Ebb+Flo Grady 12.27
Throwback: 30 minutes of a slower, more restorative flow to give your body exactly what it needs to recover from the other classes.
Ebb+Flo Grady 12.25
A 45 minute "criss cross" class dedicated to building strength while stretching hips, IT bands, and side body. Optional yoga blocks. Previous yoga experience is recommended.
Original Live Date: 12.4.2020